Gurmesh Singh MP


Turbocharging economies and jobs growth across regional NSW is at the heart of the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government’s new $175 million Growing Regional Economies Fund.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW Paul Toole said the Growing Regional Economies Fund will invest in infrastructure and facilities projects that will unlock housing and economic growth in regional communities.

“From bridges to access roads, airport upgrades and regional research facilities, we will help deliver infrastructure initiatives that will have a positive and lasting impact that supports increased investment, land activation and employment opportunities in our regions,” Mr Toole said.

“I’ve been saying it for years – regional NSW is the best place to live, work and raise a family. Now as more and more people make the move, we need to support our communities to be in the best possible position to thrive.”

Mr Toole said the fund will only increase the appeal to live and invest in regional NSW.

“Our regional communities are growing faster than ever before, and this is creating exciting opportunities for infrastructure, business and economic investment across the State,” Mr Toole said.

“Housing must come hand-in-hand with these investments, and the projects supported by this Fund could include roads and other utility connections; the kind of enabling infrastructure needed to set the foundation for further housing growth.”

Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh said the fund will offer welcomed support to communities right across regional NSW.

“It’s great to see funding like this avaliable for communities just like Coffs Harbour, this will mean more local jobs and more opportunities to grow industry in the regions,” Mr Singh said.

“I am pleased to see opportunities to unlock housing, this enabling infrustructure will help ease the pressure so many communites are feeling.”

The $175 million Growing Regional Economies Fund is part of the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government’s $3.3 billion Regional Growth Fund, which is being invested in local projects that improve the lives of people living in regional NSW.

Expressions of Interest open on 8 February 2023 and close on 23 May 2023.

For further information about the Growing Regional Economies Fund, including program guidelines and eligibility criteria, go to: